Essential Tips on Designing Your Store Layout

Store Layout

The best way to boost sales of your retail environment is by finding easy ways to manage traffic in terms of movement, space, and display. Your customers should be able to move freely throughout the store and be able to view everything that you can offer all the while maximizing space. When customers can move with ease and be able to see everything you are more likely to sell more. That is why you should always take note of the positioning of your gondola units, counters, wall units, and other display units while planning how to utilize the space. For instance, you can decide to place the most moving goods in the rear and on the walls. This gives your customers a chance to pick items that they would not have normally considered. Impulse items should be placed near the check out and exit.

Different Types of Shelving Units

Gondola Units

Gondola units are display units that consist of two sides. They are mostly used to partition the center of your retail store for merchandising purposes. They are usually free-standing as they are made using strong steel products. The normal backing of these units is sturdy but there are other options such as pegboard, slatwall, and solid backing. They are suitable for any kind of store including, grocery, auto, sports, liquor, convenience store among others. These are long-lasting and will save you money in the long run as they require little maintenance and are durable.

Wall Units

Wall units are display units that consist of only one side and are usually put up against the wall. They are also made using heavy-duty steel material similar to gondola units. Wall units have the same option as the gondolas with the backing choices od pegboard or slatwall. They are suitable to be used in all kinds of stores such as convenience, liquor, beauty salons, grocery stores, and others.

End Units

End units are display units with only one side meant for merchandising purposes. End units are normally installed at the end of a Gondola and they are also manufactured using strong steel products. End Units create another shopping space at the end of the aisle. End Units will help display new products, sale items and other specialty products.

Standard Shelving

Standard shelving consists of all the above units with other modifications. Common modification includes a two-way merchandising position and a price tag molding featured in front. They are also designed with perforated holes both in front and at the back meant to allow for fencing and dividers. They also come with strong arms and brackets that are manufactured using steel designed to support maybe a couple hundreds pounds or more depending on the type.

Ordering Guidelines:

  • Step one

The first step is to determine the size of the height and base regardless of the type of display unit you are using.

  • Step two

The next step is to determine a favorable length of the Gondola run. Gondola runs come in a wide variety of lengths but the most common include 24”, 30”, 36” and 48” long.

  • Step three

The last step of the ordering is to choose the number of shelves for each wall unit. Different types of stores have specific shelving requirements depending on the type of products they want to display.


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