Tagged with 'Customer Service'

Essential Tips on Designing Your Store Layout

Store Layout

The best way to boost sales of your retail environment is by finding easy ways to manage traffic in terms of movement, space, and display. Your customers should be able to move freely throughout the store and be able to view everything that you can offer all the while maximizing space. When customers can move with ease and be able to see everything you are more likely to sell more. That is why you should always take note of the positioning of your gondola units, counters, wall units, and other display units while planning how to utilize the space. For instance, you can decide to place the most moving goods in the rear and on the walls. This gives your customers a chance to pick items that they would not have normally considered. Impulse items should be placed near the check out and exit.

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4 Reasons Why Your Retail Store Should Have Amazing Retail Display Cases

If you have taken some classes in business marketing, you would probably have an idea that for your products to sell, they must be presented in such a way that attracts attention. You might have a really good product but if it is not displayed properly, there is a low chance that it would actually sell. This is why it is crucial for you to have a good retail display in your store.

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Different Types of Devices

The reason any store purchases an EAS system is to reduce theft and increase customer satisfaction. To do this, it is imperative that the EAS device such as a tag or label, is suitable for your product. What good would a system do if the tag or label does not correctly fit your items? Before selecting your system make sure that the technology you choose has labels and tags that fit the products.

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How You Can Use Your Website to Generate Business for Your Physical Store

Physical Store Front

Online stores make it easy for consumers to find what they are looking for anytime, anywhere, and they can get it with the click of a mouse. There are sites where you can buy something, and it arrives at your front door in just a couple of days. Many people even fear that the online shopping experience is taking a lot of business away from physical retailers. However, physical stores do have some advantages over online stores.

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"How Will You Be Johnny Today?"

“After all I’m just a bagger. Then I had an Idea,” Johnny said.“Every night after work, I’d come home and find a thought for the day. If I can’t find a saying I like,” he added, “I’d just think one up.”

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What would your Grandma think?

Every time you speak to a customer, end it with "Grandma" -­ if it sounds like something you would say to your grandmother or your grandmother would want to hear, then say it. If it doesn’t, then don’t say it.

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Complaints Help us Grow

If you’re in business, you should love customers who complain.  What’s the alternative?  For most businesses, the customer doesn’t want the hassle of complaining.  Most of the time, the customer just doesn’t care enough about you or your staff to say anything. 

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Customer service the "old school way"

The retail world is buzzing with news about the latest technology. Social media, point of sale solutions, geo-targeting… the advancements are coming at a furious pace.

We’re all for the latest tech, but if you’ve known us for any length of time, you know that we’re also all about good old fashioned customer service. Sometimes it seems like a friendly smile and good attitude are disappearing as fast as the technology is advancing.

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