Tagged with 'EAS Antenna'

Purchasing an EAS System II

DIY = Bad Outcome

With the advent of YouTube, many people are attempting to do all sorts of things. A YouTube search of “DIY tooth removal” came up with over 900,000 hits, YIKES! Sure money could be saved pulling my teeth, but something tells me that is not a wise way to save money. While DIY EAS may not be as physically painful as tooth extraction, it could be excruciating if decreasing theft and increasing customer satisfaction is your goal. Having highly trained EAS technicians in your store makes it easy for you to maintain installs, updates and even training your staff which is all a key point to a functional and effective system that will reduce theft.

EAS System

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Electronic Surveillance

Electronic article surveillance (EAS) is an efficient way to reduce shoplifting at your store. EAS tags or labels are attached to commonly stolen items. These tags are deactivated or removed at the point of sale. If the tags/labels are not removed antennas at the exit (or restroom) will sound alerting the staff and the shoplifter.

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