Tagged with 'Sensormatic tags'

Your Ultimate Guide to Apparel Inventory Management

Inventory Management

Inventory management is one of the most difficult tasks in the apparel industry. When everyone else in the industry is focusing on styles, trends, and tastes you can stay on top of the demand curve when you order mannequins and leg forms to showcase your products. This will help you with inventory management and transform your apparel business. Besides the traditional inventory management practices, there are specific strategies in the apparel industry that should be followed. Such strategies will help you dispose of products whose popularity is declining and order next season's products.

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Purchasing an EAS System III

Loss Prevention, like most challenges in running your store, is a constant battle. In other words, the fun never ends. Keep this in mind when choosing an EAS system for your store. The two major brands in EAS are Sensormatic for AM and Checkpoint for RF. Checkpoint and Sensormatic both invest in research and development (R & D) to help fight things like shoplifting bags, "front carry" (a way to defeat many EAS systems) and other methods that shoplifters are using to get around EAS. The majority of the off-brand systems do not make these investments, so they are more easily defeated. Another problem with these off-brand systems is they tend to alarm when they should not be alarming, and this can be insulting to good paying customers and frustrating for your employees.

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