Tagged with 'Time Theift'

More than Just Shoplifting

Kessler International, a forensic accounting firm, released results from a survey of 500 employees. It is shocking that 95 percent, yes 95 percent of employees stole from their employers.  My guess, maybe it is cynical, that the other five percent were not being 100% honest.  Included in "theft" was theft of time and supplies. There are many ways employees will steal from their employer beyond outright theft, but the results can affect profit. If it be minutes here and there texting, printing out the party invitations, using the computer for personal use, taking toilet paper home, grabbing a handful of pens, using store bags for cat litter (I was chatting with someone who told me they do that!), using any in-store discount for "gifts" to friends and much more. The employee will justify themselves and one could argue that these forms of theft are not severe, but there is no doubt that they do add up to significant losses in the workplace.

Time Theif

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