Tagged with 'apparel'

How Much Weight Can Clothing Racks Hold?

clothing racks

Every clothing rack serves a simple purpose which is to give you the perfect place to hang your clothes. Whether you are running a retail store or having a warehouse and looking for the perfect way to showcase your merchandise, then clothing racks are the ideal option to choose. There are a variety of racks like 4-way racks, rolling racks, round racks, and 2-way racks and each of them has a different capability to carry a certain number of clothes. These sturdy racks are great choices for boutiques, apparel stores, consignment shops, hat stores, and thrift stores. Since every rack significantly qualifies to carry a certain weight, sometimes it may get confusing to choose the ideal one among these many options. So, let’s take a look at the following,

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Apparel Boxes: Also Known as Clothing Boxes

Clothing Boxes

You might recognize them as clothing boxes since they most commonly come from purchases of apparel at clothing and department stores, but the proper term for them is apparel boxes. These boxes are slim, stackable, lightweight, and pack clothes neatly.

Apparel boxes are also cheap and cost less than a dollar each. These boxes come in many sizes to accommodate all kinds of clothing items from kid's apparel to bulky jeans and outfits. Apparel boxes also come in brown or white colors, and leave plenty to the imagination for how they can be customized by either your partner printing company or your own aspiring artists at work.

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Your Ultimate Guide to Apparel Inventory Management

Inventory Management

Inventory management is one of the most difficult tasks in the apparel industry. When everyone else in the industry is focusing on styles, trends, and tastes you can stay on top of the demand curve when you order mannequins and leg forms to showcase your products. This will help you with inventory management and transform your apparel business. Besides the traditional inventory management practices, there are specific strategies in the apparel industry that should be followed. Such strategies will help you dispose of products whose popularity is declining and order next season's products.

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Serve The Customer

In the last edition of our Loss Prevention Newsletter, I talked about some ways on how to spot a shoplifter. Remember these are general things to look for but shoplifters come in all shapes and sizes.

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