Tagged with 'gift boxes'

Your Complete Guide To Customized Gift Boxes

Gift boxes with lids

Though it is not all about the box, your packaging does play a fundamental role in the presentation of your product. When it comes to gift items, customers value an item more when it is wrapped in a beautifully designed box. The right gift boxes with lids can attract as many customers as possible. Here are some tips if you plan to use customized gift boxes for your store. 

Avoid enclosing your gift items in tasteless, earthy-colored boxes. Most customers today tend to post the products as well as the packaging on social media. Hence, it would be best not to see your brand with poor packaging. So it would help if you explored some unique designs for your gift boxes with lids that can perfectly flaunt your brand. Consider your packaging box as an expansion of your gift item. Look for designs that mirror your brand and place your logo creatively.


Choosing the right style and color

The color and style of your gift boxes should reflect your brand. So, look for color combinations that inspire positive feelings. Shades of green, blue, pink, yellow, and red are great considerations. Go with the one that matches your gift item as well as your brand. Studies have revealed that about 85% of customers consider color an essential motivation when purchasing any item, especially a gift item. Visual elements influence their purchase decisions. Hence, you must ensure that the color and style of your customized gift boxes resonate with your brand. This can significantly help your customers get familiar with and recall your brand.


Let the Unboxing Be More Special

If you want your gift packaging to be incredibly powerful, you must make it attractive. So make sure you offer something innovative, creative, and eccentric beyond the box. But make sure it is in accordance with your brand. Your gift packaging should stand out from the rest. Giving your customers an amazing unboxing experience will give them a good feeling about the gift item and your brand. So ensure that you give them a memorable unboxing experience.


Use The Right Material

Most of all, your gift items must be protected and carefully packed. Since most items may be sensitive and fragile, you should be extra careful with the packaging. You can use various types of cushioning by wrapping the things in thick paper or bubble wrap, as it will keep the products safe during shipping. Also, consider your gift items' size, weight, and delicacy, and select boxes that will protect them in all conditions. Get durable packaging gift boxes to ensure the utmost safety.


Why Customized Gift Boxes?

Perfect for any brand: customized gift boxes are a beautiful way to pack your gifts. The gift items can be delicately crafted with durable materials, thus making them perfect for any business.

Re-use: customized gift boxes are available in various sizes and shapes. This means your customers can reusee these beautiful boxes to pack other things. Customized gift boxes are incredibly reusable, whether for storing and keeping jewelry or any other purpose.


To Sum Up

Apart from increasing brand loyalty, customized gift boxes can also increase your profits by offering an excellent customer experience. It is one of the best ways to show them how much they mean to your brand.


Featured Image Source: https://media.istockphoto.com/id/165787254/vector/vector-illustration-of-various-holiday-gift-boxes.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=MAnLWo8Jgujkowu0S-ylQnilTZKTNCstUBsbSrF99hU=

Apparel Boxes: Also Known as Clothing Boxes

Clothing Boxes

You might recognize them as clothing boxes since they most commonly come from purchases of apparel at clothing and department stores, but the proper term for them is apparel boxes. These boxes are slim, stackable, lightweight, and pack clothes neatly.

Apparel boxes are also cheap and cost less than a dollar each. These boxes come in many sizes to accommodate all kinds of clothing items from kid's apparel to bulky jeans and outfits. Apparel boxes also come in brown or white colors, and leave plenty to the imagination for how they can be customized by either your partner printing company or your own aspiring artists at work.

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Gift Bags Vs. Gift Boxes: Which Is Best for Presents?

Gift wrapping has become less popular in recent years, as more people are opting to buy gift bags instead. The obvious reason why this change is a popular one is because gift wrapping can be rather messy and time consuming. Gift bags on the other hand, are easy to deal with and reusable. Another option that you can consider are gift boxes, which are rectangular and sturdy containers that also can be reused. Rather than wrapping paper, two piece gift boxes are great alternatives. Both gift bags and gift boxes have their advantages as well as disadvantages. Here are a few factors to mull over when choosing one over the other.


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