4 Pointers to Help Design the Right Label

Labels are very important when you are trying to push your product to the general public. Labels give your product an identity and also differentiate it from other products of a similar nature that may be used or regarded as substitutes. They also help communicate a message to your potential clients. Here are a few steps to follow when designing your perfect labels.

  • Pick the Right Label for Your Product
    • You could have an excellent idea and a brilliant message to put out there but if you get the labeling wrong, it will lead to your sales strategy falling apart. The right label boosts the likelihood of an item being noticed. When choosing the right label consider its shape, size, and material whether waterproof, glossy, transparent or matte.
  • Have Eye-catching Labels
    • You don’t want to have an inconspicuous label that gets lost in the crowd. In this era of information, you want your labeling and ultimately your product to stand out. This way you are able to navigate past your competition and have an edge over them. When designing labels that will grab attention, here are a few things to consider.
      • Positioning
        • You want to position your label at a central point of the product. Also, have important information about your product at the center of the label.
      • Color
        • Select colors that stand out and look radiant enough to be noticed against those of your competition. An artsy design is likely to grab attention as compared to a plain design.
      • Using Visuals
        • Research has it that the use of visuals as compared to just plain wording is more eye-catching and thus more effective.
      • Keep It Simple
        • Studies have it that a simple label design will likely get more attention for a longer time than a complex design.
      • Emotive
        • Your label should be able to ignite an emotional connection with the consumer. Whether it is a beauty product, food product or healthcare product, the label should be designed to ignite a consumer’s emotion.
  • Engage Your Customers
    • Great labels encourage your customers to think and deliberate about buying the product. This can be done by:
      • Expressing an emotion such as love through your labeling
      • Clear and concise information on your labels
      • Prime labeling suggests high quality and class
      • Labels should include an endorsement of the product to help the customer during the decision-making processes
      • Cause curiosity by having teaser labels such as “open me”
  • Take Your Time
    • Before designing your Labels, take the time to think about what the customer might want. Use this information to pick the right label and position your product for increased sales.



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