5 Ways to Upgrade Your Jewelry Storage

Sometimes you have more than enough jewelry stashed up in the jewelry box. The jewelry is so packed that there is completely no more room for new pieces. Jewelry enthusiasts may have faced this at some point. You pass a jewelry shop and see a shiny piece that you cannot ignore. After buying, you wear it and throw it in the jewelry stash in your bedroom.

Stop for a second and consider how such precious jewelry pieces are a priceless collection for you. Then maybe you will decide to run to the jewelry gift boxes wholesale and upgrade your jewelry box.

Other actions you can take to protect your jewelry are:

Organize Your Jewelry

Store your jewelry in a simple and systematic way. Put rings in their own special container. Place chains and necklaces on a hanger. Keep your bracelets, necklaces, pendants, earrings, and chains separately because they easily tangle and form a mess. Tangled jewelry is a distressing sight. You can consider getting jewelry gift boxes wholesale at an affordable price. You can ensure you are getting the best price for it by comparing stores that sell these boxes without compromising on the quality.

Handle Jewelry Carefully

Maintain the value of your jewelry by keeping them safely and with caution. Do not cram or handle them roughly either. Remember they are valuable and fragile pieces. They can easily break when tossed. Stashed jewels can have scratches, scuffs, and dings. Replacing a damaged piece is uncomfortably costly.

Retain the Value of Your Jewelry

Always remember how priceless that collection is to you. First, the jewelry is valuable because it is made of real materials, it can be diamond, gold, bronze, or silver. It can be sold back at a fairly pretty price, considering the value increase over time.
Also, the jewelry pieces can represent personal memories or special moments. You may want to pass it to family members or other people. They have to be in good condition to be accepted or sold. That is the reward for the careful handling of jewelry.  No one wants to buy scratched jewelry.

Make More Room for Your Jewelry

Do not stash up and squeeze all your jewelry into a single tiny jewelry box. At this point, acquire an upgrade jewelry box with a much bigger space. This will happen more often because you love jewelry and you keep buying it. So, try to match your jewelry and give each of them enough room. Give away jewelry pieces you no longer wear to make more space for the ones you may buy. Do this once in a while to get rid of old jewelry you do not need. You will avoid cramming jewelry this way.

Repair Your Doors and Drawers

Replace any broken doors, drawers, and compartments in your box where you place your jewelry. Work on your jewelry box too. It happens that when you began your collection, you had a few pieces and the drawers were closing. With time, though, jewelry accumulated and you cannot close the doors anymore. Renovate your jewelry storage area.


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