6 Tips to Grow Your Bottom Line in 2017

Meet your goals this year!

Frencesca Nicasio is a retail expert who is known for giving out great advice through her blogs and e-books. She wrote early last year about 6 Powerful Tools and Technologies to Help You Reduce Shrinkage.

Her top six tools were:

  1. Signage
  2. Cameras
  3. Mirrors
  4. POS Systems
  5. Inventory Management Tools
  6. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification

We’ve noticed that this is an increasingly important topic for you as a retailer and it’s nice to see that a trusted authority on retail is mentioning the same tools that we have seen be so effective over the years in reducing shrinkage.

The beginning of the year is a great time for retail stores to evaluate their loss prevention strategies and beef up their security.

Good companies plan to increase their revenue year over year. Really smart companies also look at ways to become more efficient and add to their bottom line at the same time.

How great would it be to not only achieve your revenue goals for 2017, but also reduce your losses from theft?

Take a few minutes to look over the list of tools above. If you are missing something on that list or have questions about how you can implement them in your store, give us a call at 800-426-5708.


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