A Local Bookstore’s Unexpected Strategy

If you spent time in any metro areas in the last ten years, you may have noticed a trend: neighborhood bookstores were closing up shop. If you asked the owners, their stories usually revolved around the rise of Amazon and the internet, and the inability to engage readers who were increasingly turning to online sources for their recommendations and purchases.

The New York Times just wrote an article last Wednesday about a neighborhood bookstore that’s turning that narrative on its head.

Read the New York Times by clicking here.

Instead of surrendering to the rise of the internet, this bookstore put in place not one, but multiple strategies to attract customers and flourish in their business. While reading this article, I spotted at least four strategies that this company employed that are making them successful while the industry as a whole is struggling.

I’ll give you one of these strategies now:

Don’t rely on just one source for your new business.

If this local bookstore only appealed to local customers, they wouldn’t have enough business to sustain them throughout the year. Instead, they’re engaging with current and potential customers through social media, email, snail mail, and in their local stores and community.

What other strategies can you find? Read the article by clicking here.

P.S. For another great article on four insightful ideas for bookstore marketing, click here!

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