Food for Thought

Recently, I was having a discussion with my team about you (Our Clients!!) and our discussion went deeper about how many diverse generations there are today!! Each generation has its own characteristics, persona, and how they perceive and do things. If you have owned a little gift store for generations, you would be the first to notice the change in your type of shoppers. Here is a quick list of the Generations:

  1. Silent Generation - 1920-1945
  2. Baby Boomers - 1946-1964
  3. Generation X - 1965-1976
  4. Millennials/Gen Y - 1977-1995
  5. iGen/Gen Z- 1996 - Present

Today, I want to share ONE important thing about “Millennials” and some marketing thoughts. 

Why are we talking about Millennials in this retail tip?

Recently, Millennials surpassed Baby Boomers to become the largest living generation that now has 92 million people. One of the main things you should know about millennials is “They Are Forever Connected”. They are connected most of the time through either Social Media (#1), Internet, Radio or TV.

  •  84% of Millennials say that user generated content (peer reviews or photos) influences what they buy.
  •  63% of Millennials say they stay updated on brands or retailers through social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat etc.)
  •  Social media is becoming the quintessential tool to connect and engage with Millennials

Per Zagat, 1 in 5 people will post a photo of their food on social media. One of the things you can think about is using custom food tissue service paper (if you are in food retail industry) in your business. Because of social media and photo sharing, the custom food tissue service papers is ranking to the top as one of the most important custom packaging components for food shops/ restaurants. When your customer is posting / sharing on social media, it’s almost like the customer is working for you (sounds cheesy, but your name is marketed out to hundreds or even thousands of potential customers). 85% of Millennials will go online to browse reviews (for restaurants or food), what others have said and the pictures customers have posted while eating there themselves. What they read online can make the decision for them without even stepping into the shop. Presentation is key!

So, whether you own a gift store, apparel store, jewelry store, sporting goods or any business related to retail, can you think of a way you can reach out to your Millennial clients using Social Media? If you have a cool idea and want to share with the group, do send us your thoughts… 

As Always… We Love Hearing from You!! 
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words.

Another Example of Custom Food service Tissue


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