How did that Purchase make you feel?

I will say that I love helping a client face to face. Helping a client in person can really give you a chance to shine and give the company you work for a good name. We all know when we are shopping that sales people are going to try to help us find what we want, but the real key factor is how do they help us when we don't know what we want? I would like to share few tips on how to make the client feel important!

Establishing a Relationship-  Most of the time this goes like this.... "Hi how are you today?" They say "fine or good" then it's followed up by "Can I help you find anything?" Most of the time their response is "No thank you, just browsing", then eventually they find what they want, check out and leave. Instead, try this approach with your next client:

  1. Hi how is your afternoon? 
  2. Are you shopping for someone special? 
  3. Did you see these Brand NEW items that just arrived? 

                              To read the full article & PRINT 6 steps to the Perfect Purchase:                               

If you ask a few of the right questions, you will find that the client will really open up. Chat for a little bit while they are browsing so it's not that awkward silence and you don't just return to work and put your head down. Serve the client as they are there to shop. 

Closing the Sale-  Now that you have established a relationship, this part should be easy. While they have the items they want in hand, think if you have any other small items that would go with the products they picked out. Something to add on that perhaps they didn't see or think about. The client will either just say NO or love the add on idea. The last step is the client's least favorite part... paying for the items. Create some small conversation pertaining what they already told you about themselves and this will help provide a smooth transaction and hopefully eliminate ant sticker shock if they spent more than they intended. 

After the transaction is over, lets hope your client left the store and felt like you really cared about them, their purchase and who they purchased it for, because that is how you get a returning client. 


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