How Do They Make the Twisted Paper Handle for the Paper Bags?

How Did Paper Bags Get Their Handles?

The handles have originally been made of kraft paper like the bags themselves. The twisted paper handle was decided upon as rolling up a paper makes it thick and durable when held in a person’s hands. When paper is also twisted in this manner, it is easy to bend in an arch so that the handle is easy to grip and bond to the bag. 

A professional glue is used to bond the ends of these handles to a lining inside the bags. For added security, a piece of paper would be glued onto the area where the ends of the handles were glued. This kept the handles from becoming loose over time. The early fears in paper bags with twisted paper handles was that they would fail to hold up when carrying a lot of weight, but these bags have ended up performing very well up to a certain weight limit.

Handled Paper Bags Today:

 Adding handles to paper bags gave them a resurgence in retail, as these handles made it possible to erase a glaring flaw for an otherwise sturdy way to bundle goods together. While early paper bag handles were crafted by man, machinery is now capable of creating handles and bonding them to bags in mass quantities. They even glue the handles onto the bags with very little error.
 There are other types of paper bag handles, such as rope and ribbon handles that are designed to add style or security to bags, but twisted paper handles are the cheapest to supply and allow the bag to keep its kraft paper charm. When stores order brown paper bags made of 100 percent paper, they will typically get the job done without needing other handle materials.
 Paper bags used to lack handles for a long time. Since plastic bags featured handles, paper bags became more infrequent. Once the idea came to light that handles were to be added to paper bags, they became more enjoyable to use along with the advantages they already came with compared to plastic bags. Consider plastic bags with secure twisted paper handles for your store.


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