How To Hire Dependable People

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
– Steve Jobs

This tip is for finding, identifying and retaining employees that
will grow your business.

A recent survey of employees by the USA Today revealed
the following:

  • 56% of working people admit they have lied to their supervisors
  • 41% say they have falsified records
  • 64% admit using the Internet for personal reasons during working hours
  • 35% have stolen from their employers, by their own admission
  • 31% abuse drugs or alcohol 

This is your applicant pool!

The sad truth is, most of the individuals in the workforce do not have the integrity, reliability, work-ethic or personal standards that you have set for your company or team. They will not come to work on time every day and even worse, they will not give you a full day’s work for a
full day’s pay.

The success of your business depends on finding the people who DO fit your unique culture.
Here are five ways to get this accomplished:

1.  Believe Half of the Resume – Studies have shown that 85% of resumes and applications contain “exaggerations.”

2.  Phone Screen – Create lead, behavioral questions that start to measure culture, team and job fit… even before meeting with a candidate.
3.  Perform Reference & Background Checks – Nobody advertises being fired for dependability issues, theft or other criminal activity on their resume. 

4.  Pre-Employment Integrity Assessments – Using your instinct to make hiring decisions hasn’t worked in the past and it surely won’t work in the future. Valid, reliable and affordable
on-line assessments can help remove “luck” from your hiring process.
5.  Set Standards (& Don’t Ever Lower Them) – Just one “wrong” person can infect an entire workforce. At the least, you’ll soon experience apathy and moral problems… and ultimately customer service, sales and profitability problems.


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