How To Keep Your Employees Safe

How To Keep Your Employees Safe while running a retail store creates its own set of challenges and responsibilities. How do you keep your employees safe from and during robberies? 

There are a few simple steps you can do to safeguard your employees and your money.

1.Put the cash drawer somewhere the customer does not have a view of the money.

2.Perform cash drops thought out the day. Very often while shopping I see the till stuffed full of cash. This can be very tempting and put you on a “target list” in the criminal community. Is there a reason to keep more than say $200 of cash in the drawer at any given time? Use a secure cash box that it is kept at the till then transported to the back, to “drop” in extra cash in.

3.Be on the lookout. Both before opening for the day and closing at night, take a close look in the parking lot, the sidewalk and near the door. Look for any suspicious activities or people. At night before closing carefully walk the store, check the restrooms, and make sure all the customers are gone.

4.Before counting the cash LOCK THE DOOR! As simple as it sounds this often does not happen. I am amazed how often I hear of a store being robbed where the bad guy walked right in the (unlocked) front door.

5. Do not count the till at the cash register. It is very common for clerks working alone at night to count the money at the cash register that is most likely within sight of the front door. This makes them an easy target. Despite your best efforts you still might get robbed, it happens. All of your employees should know what to do in case of a robbery. A little role playing now and then would not hurt. Stress that you do not want any of your team to be superheroes, that is best left for the movies. It is imperative that they do exactly what the robber demands. Give the robber what they want, stay safe, get them out of the door and call the police.


Product Highlight: Cash Box- Keep excess currency out of the cash register and safely behind lock and key. Cash Drop Boxes come with convenient mounting holes for easy wall, floor or under counter installation. Available with dual locks, keyed differently, for maximum security.

cash box

Bonus Tip:

To more fully protect your employees purchase a cash box that enables your employee to carry cash to the backroom in a locked box like our Cash Drop Box, with 2 Interior Boxes.

Thanks, -Mark Turner


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