How to Reduce Shoplifting

 My Top Five Ways to Reduce Shoplifting in Your Store

5. KEEP YOUR STORE CLEAN; WELL ORGANIZED and AVOID FIXTURES THAT YOUR BLOCK VIEW A clean, well-lit and well-organized store will tell the shoplifter that you pay attention to detail and pay attention to them! Avoid fixtures that block the view, if you use gondola shelving, I suggest no more than 46” tall

4. LOCK IT UP! Putting your higher end small items in a quality showcase will not only stop the product from jumping into customer’s pockets it will add value. A well-lit case will enhance the look and perceived value of the items in it.

3. INVEST IN TECHNOLOGY. Camera systems have gone down in price, and the quality has gone up over the years. When shopping for a camera system avoid the temptation to purchase a low-end one, often the picture quality is poor. Electronic article surveillance (EAS) is an efficient way to reduce shoplifting at your store. EAS tags or labels are attached to commonly stolen items. These tags are deactivated or removed at the point of sale. If the tags/labels are not removed or deactivated at the point of sale antennas at the exit (or restroom) will sound alerting the staff and the shoplifter.

2. COMMUNCATION, COMMUNCATION, COMMUNCATION. Communication is key to reducing theft. Keep an open on-going communication with your employees and encourage them to talk to each other about problem customers or items. In addition talk to other retailers in your area about their shoplifting experiences. Call crime check and ask them if there is an officer assigned to shoplifting public relations.

1. SERVE THE CUSTOMER. The most effective, and least expensive, method of reducing shoplifting is to SERVE THE CUSTOMER. Reinforce with your employees when they see, hear or meet a customer all other duties are put on hold. First, foremost SERVE THE CUSTOMER. Doing this will not only increase sales (and profit) it will also reduce shoplifting. Chances are the thief will not take a risk if they are being watched, they will go somewhere else. There is no one size fits all approach or magic to loss prevention. Taking these steps will help you sell more, lose less and protect your investment. Your payoff will be increased profit, higher job satisfaction for you and your employees and make your store a better place to shop.

Product Highlight: Power Cord Lock Box 1. Easy to install 2. Simple to use 3. Cords & Cables

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Bonus Tip:

If you have fitting rooms in your store try to keep them locked and have clear signage asking them to see an employee for the key. Thanks, -Mark Turner


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