How To Sell To The Future Buyers

I recently read this article that caught my attention, mostly because I was curious what group I fell into. (My group is "Millennials" if you were wondering).

If you have owned a little gift store for generations you would be the first to notice the change in the type of shoppers you have. Here is a quick list of the Generations.

  1. Silent Generation - 1920-1945
  2. Baby Boomers - 1946-1964
  3. Generation X - 1965-1976
  4. Millennials/Gen Y - 1977-1995
  5. iGen/Gen Z- 1996 - Present

The oldest of Generation Z are just starting to graduate college and ready to make an impact on the working world.

Generation Z already makes up 25% of the U.S population. 

Generation Z is used to having the internet at the tip of their fingers at all times. They are on all Social Media platforms and not afraid to make or break you due to how you make them feel. Most of Generation Z grew up in the Great Recession when many of their parents where losing their cars and homes. This could be why they seem more idealistic when shopping. They want to support a business they feel supports their society. They like to touch and feel products first, which is why they don't always purchase things online.. Also they don't mind stopping in at a few different stores to get the best price.

You ask, "How can this Generation affect me?" Well, I think it should affect local business for the better as Generation Z wants to help make a change. When they are shopping, they are really focused on 3 main things.

  1. Seeing the product in person
  2. Avoiding any shipping cost 
  3. Take the product home

They are saying that Generation Z can be compared to the Silent Generation. If that is correct we will have some hard workers in our future! 




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