Is business slow? Try changing where your products are displayed.

Summer can be a busy time for a lot of businesses. But what do you do if people just aren't coming in to your store?

One of the easiest things to do is to get creative with your displays. If you have a window display that faces a street or pathway, be creative in coming up with a display that makes people stop and go, "Wow! Look at that!".

This can also be as simple as swapping out locations for your existing displays. When I used to work at a footwear store, we would swap the location of our departments every 3 months or so. People would swear we had a bunch of new product, but we had really only changed where the product was displayed.

If you're limited by your space, you can always try adding some creative flair to your displays. See this 1 minute video below for a neat idea we shared recently on Facebook:

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