Prevent Your Product from Walking out the Front Door — Install EAS

Have you seen those pair of stands at the front of a store where you have to walk in between them in order to go inside. Sometimes, they beep to either stop a shopper or have them run as fast as lightning. These stands are commonly known as EAS systems. Their technical term is Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS systems. This system is a must if you want to protect your items from being stolen.

How It Works?

Studies have shown that retail stores collectively lose revenue that reaches up to billion dollars all because of stolen goods. Shoplifters have found effective ways to hide items that they steal. These ways are so good that it could go unnoticed by a watchful eye. Although security cameras are good measures, an EAS system is a better method to spot shoplifters immediately.

How an EAS system works is quite easy. Store items could be attached to either a soft or hard tag, a tag that comes in the form of a sticker or a label. When these tags go through the EAS system, it sends a signal to the system using radio frequencies. This is why you may have noticed that in some stores, the cashier removes a particular attatchment on the item. This is to deactivate the tag so it does not communicate with the EAS system.

The components of an EAS system may vary from one manufacturer to another. But usually, they have both the transmitter and the receiver antennae. Some manufacturers separate the antennae, making the system look like a gate. Usually, the gates are placed around 5 to 6 feet from each other for optimal efficiency. The distance may change depending on the label used for the items.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can EAS Systems Be Hidden?

Unfortunately, there is no way for EAS systems to be hidden. However, there are manufacturers who make transparent designs so they become as unnoticeable as possible. Sometimes, the retail store owners also find a way to blend these gates with their store.

Can the EAS System Work with Any Tag?

It all depends on the use of the frequency. Most of the EAS systems today work with most labels but it is still recommended to check the user manual or discuss with a technical person to be completely sure. You do not want to purchase an EAS system and render it useless because you did not use the right tags.

Can I Install an EAS System by Myself?

Most EAS have complicated systems that will need an expert. It is recommended that you hire an expert technician to set it up for you. They know more about these systems than the everday business owner. 

What If the Entrance of My Store is Wider Than the Range of the EAS?

Most EAS systems today can be set up so they can work with more than two gates so the range can be extended.

EAS System


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