Quick and Simple Tip: Read This Book!

I hope you had a safe and fun 4th of July weekend. Since you've got a short week and plenty to do, I'll keep this week's tip short and sweet.

If you haven't read Why We Buy by Paco Underhill, you should get your hands on a copy today. This was a very popular book years ago, and mostly concentrates on supermarkets and big box stores, but the psychology of the customer presented in this book is well-suited to help any retail business owner.

Paco Underhill founded Envirosell, a behavioral research and consulting firm, and his years of research combined with his playful and exciting narrative style make this book a very fun and insightful read.

Note: I don't get any benefit from plugging this book - Paco Underhill has no idea who I am and we don't get any credit for recommending the book. I have't read his other books yet, but I'd guess they are worth reading as well.


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