RF vs. AM: Which EAS System Is Right For My Business?

EAS system

Featured Image Source: https://d2axrx0kjnzrlp.cloudfront.net/catalog/category/EAS.jpg

EAS systems are one of the most recognizable and widely employed loss prevention technologies on the market today. We are all familiar with the electronic sentries guarding the exits to department and grocery stores, however, there continues to be a lack of understanding about what exactly these technologies are, and what they’re designed to accomplish.

For instance, many people may not realize this style of EAS system can be classified as either radio frequency (RF) or acoustic magnetic (AM). RF systems use electromagnetic fields to detect tags, while AM systems use sound waves. Both systems have their advantages and disadvantages which we will discuss today.

To decide which system is right for your business, it is important to consider the needs of your specific store or retail environment. This post will compare and contrast RF and AM EAS systems to help you make the best decision for your business.


What is an Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) System?

An electronic article surveillance (EAS) system is a security device that uses electronic tags to deter theft and track inventory. EAS systems are used in retail stores to protect high-value items from theft. EAS tags are attached to merchandise and trigger an alarm if they are not deactivated at the point of sale.

EAS systems have three components: tags, readers, and alarms. Tags usually use radio frequency identification (RFID) or magnetic stripe technology. Readers are placed at exits and entrances to scan for tags. Alarms sound when tags are not deactivated and notify store personnel of potential theft.

EAS systems are an effective way to reduce theft and loss in retail stores. They are also a visible deterrent to potential thieves, making your store less of a target for crime.


Types of Electronic Article Surveillance Systems

There are two main types of electronic article surveillance (EAS) systems: RF (radio frequency) systems and AM (acoustomagnetic) systems. Both types of systems are used to deter theft and shoplifting in retail stores, but there are some key differences between them.

RF systems use radio waves to detect tags attached to the merchandise. These tags are usually small, hard to see, and difficult to remove. RF tags can be deactivated or removed, but a professional must do so.

On the other hand, AM systems use magnetic fields to detect tags. These tags are usually larger and more visible, but customers can easily remove them.


Which Electronic Article Surveillance System Is Right For My Business?

Both systems have pros and cons, so which EAS system will be right for your business? Here are three factors to consider:

  1. Cost: RF systems tend to be more expensive than AM systems, but they also tend to be more effective. An RF system is a good option if you want the best protection for your property.
  2. Range: AM systems have a shorter range than RF systems, meaning they can only cover a limited area. If you need a system covering a large area, then an RF system is better.
  3. Security: AM systems are less secure than RF systems because they can be easily hacked or bypassed. If you want the most security possible for your property, then an RF system is the way.

In conclusion, RF and AM EAS systems have pros and cons. Ultimately, the decision of which system to use depends on the specific needs of your business. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us.


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