Shelves are used Every Day: How to Make most use from your Shelves

While often overlooked, retail shelving plays a significant role in determining the success of a store. With the right type of shelving, business people can realize incredible profits.

Store shelving is an essential strategy for success in business. Therefore, it is vital for store owners to integrate high-quality shelves to ensure they portray the right image of their business.

Here are some tips for choosing your store shelving Selecting the right type of shelves for your products:

The market presents numerous kinds of retail shelving. There is; wire shelving, gondolas, end caps and so much more. Although there is a vast selection of these shelving, it doesn't mean that you have to use them all; instead, you need to select the one that matches your store and business needs. If your store sells high-end clothing, then you should go for store shelving that is aesthetically appealing. Using a dump bin for such a store will give a wrong image to your customers..

A tip for selecting the right shelving is to consider what makes your product attractive, and with this in mind, choose shelving that brings out the best in your products..

Picking the right size of shelve

The goal of shelving is to display your products so clients can notice them even from a distance. It also is the best way to organize your store. However, if not careful, it can take up much of the space in your store. For instance, if yours is a small store, then including a two-sided gondola is a bad idea, because it will use up a lot of space that you won't be able to display everything else. The best approach would be to use a one-sided gondola and install it against the walls of your store. Similarly, if yours is a large store, you shouldn't go for too small store shelving as it can disappear amongst your merchandise.

A tip for picking the right size of shelve is to understand your floor space. This will help you figure out the type of shelve that can fit in your store.

Adhering to the universal principles of shelf planning

Choosing the right type and size of shelves for your space is the best way to make the most of your store. However, none of it will matter if you fail to comply with the recommended principles of shelf planning. These principles are vital, not just in enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the shelves, but also in making it easier for your clients to buy from your store. As a business owner who is focused on getting a return on investment, you do not want to make it difficult for your clients to shop at your store.

A few tips on shelf planning principles are:

  • Present your merchandise from premium to economy
  • Present your merchandise by sub-category, then brand
  • Color block wherever possible
  • Your house brand should be placed next to the brand leader
  • Place profit generators and best-selling products at eye level


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