Success Is Simple. Show Up.

When I read about this, I was intrigued by this statement and my initial reaction was that it massively oversimplified the path to success. However, (reflecting through many of my life experiences) I think there's a surprising amount of truth in this statement.

In my experience, many people (in different phases of their life) simply don't show up for many things in life.

  • If you want to get better grades in school, show up at the library and study.
  • If you want your colleagues to take you seriously, show up on time and be ready to take on work.
  • If you want to do better in your own business, show up at your work (see and talk to your customers directly) and identify unmet needs.

Showing up frequently and consistently solves so many problems in life. It really does.

In my experience, I have seen this applicable (almost) anywhere. I was reminded of this when I recently injured my right shoulder while working out (you might have experienced the same, huh!).

My yoga trainer told me to do these 5 types of exercises 25 times each every day for about 1 to 2 weeks. So, what did I do?

I (just being too confident to deal with it) didn’t care to do any exercises, ignored it for couple of days and guess what?

My shoulder kept hurting. Then I decided I would do as much as I could. I did those yoga exercises 10 times each every day. My shoulder pain soon reduced and eventually went away in couple of days.

Sometimes, such small and simple experiences (in our lives) are great reminders of simple rules of life.

  • Much of success is simple.
  • Show up.
  • Do the work. 

Sometimes, life really is that simple.


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