What Facebook Teaches Us About Customer Service

Recently, Facebook has added new reactions and emoticons to its available choices of how a member can feel towards a post, event, picture, etc.

In case you’re not sure what an emoticon is, see these “emotional” examples:

A big part of the reasoning behind the addition of these features for the social media giant is… money of course!

Algorithms are now able to judge what type of food you’re into, or type of events you like, pictures that you react to, and then use this information to help create revenue for Facebook by giving them an insight into who their members are. They can then create a better match of the type of information and advertising they can relay to that specific member.

Wow! Really, they have algorithms for this?

It just goes to show that when you get personal – it is business!!  

What does your business do to get personal with its customers? How does your customer service STANDOUT? Do you get more likes or sad faces? Or worse…unfriended?

Customer Service is a lot like Facebook.  With Facebook, if a member has something unique about them, or does something unique they tend to attract a lot of “ Friends”. In business, if your customer service can stand out, then you are probably going to see the same effect… more repeat customers and more referral customers. In essence – “Friends”.

When was the last time you went to a restaurant because they had poor customer service? Chances are: Never.  When was the last time you had an upset customer? Chances are, you had one earlier today.

At American Retail Supply we make sure that your complaints are handled by a real person, but most of all resolved in a timely manner and not left to linger in voicemail purgatory. We understand the value of your business and your time and want to make sure that you have had a great experience with us.

In a time where we live for the immediate and fast isn’t fast enough, and with more and more businesses starting online, can you really afford to lose “Friends”?   I didn’t think so.

Be sure to practice your teams servicing skills and remember:  No matter how much technology has changed our industries….

There is no app for Great Customer Service!”


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